Thursday, October 1, 2009


We decided to move to Texas! We moved out here on September 10, 2009. While Grady was home on leave we moved. We are now living in Carbon, Texas cute little town, smaller then Eagar alone! I love it here. It is beautiful here, A different beautiful then Arizona, I still love Arizona Beautiful though, Arizona is my home state and I will always love Arizona, but now I am starting to love Texas. Texas is now my new home, and we could not be any happier! We are living with Grady's parents right now, but we are looking into a home and are hoping to hear from the bank soon. Little man is now 17 months and is just growing like a weed, he is now wearing size 24 pants and size 6 shoes, and size 24 shirts also. He is just so big these days, Grady and I sure do love him though and we thank god everyday for this opportunity to be parents and raise such a wonderful and smart little boy. Little man sure is persistent though, he wants something he will fight until he gets it and if he doesn't get it he will continue reminding you that he wants it like riding the four wheeler if we go out side he RUNS over and will sit on it and yell and scream until he gets your attention and then if you take him off he kicks and hits and pinches because he wants to ride it, He then will continue going over there until he finally gets a ride! Well that is what is new with us, if you want to know more about anything e-mail me Jordan Miller

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We found out Grady would be deploying last year in Januaury. it was hard because i was still pregnant the date changed seven times but the time has finally come it is hard and i am having a hard time with it. We took grady to flagstaff march 6th, and said goodbye and i cried all weekend, it was a hard weekend. I came home and went to find a job i am lucky i found one, i got hired on Friday the 13th and had even better news that night! YAY grady was coming home he was put on rear detatchment which is a group of men who stay behind and will go over only if one of the guys got hurt i was so happy to hear that he was coming home him on the other hand not so much. He was sad he was leaving a lot of the guys behind! Well he came home we spent the whole day together! it was nice i was so glad to have him home to love on to cuddle and kiss. well not 3 days later as we were cleaning our room my mom called and said Sargent hernadez was trying to get ahold of grady i knew from that minute when my mom called it was not good news. Well grady called his Sargent and well he said We would like for you to come back, all the guys are complaining we sent home a good soldier and would like you back. So they came and got him at 330 in the morning it was hard i cried little man screamed and things where hard once again. i cried all day i had to call into work i was having that bad of a day, i cried and cried some more... well now it is the 26th and i still miss him like crazy we have heard several things about what is going on yes he has to go over sea's to know he is just at training for his own free will and then come to find out he had a choice weather to stay home or go back and that just made me madder then a hornets nest that a dog got into so i asked grady to talk to his sargent and well grady says he has talked to him and he said he still doesnt know what is going on so i dont know what to believe i pray everynight though that grady gets to come home and stay come april 7th which is family day! but no matter what happens i will love him forever and i will love him for always no matter what happens! he is the love of my life and i cant sit in wonder what is going to happen i have my son to take care of and i know that everything is going to be okay no matter what happens and i am thankful for my son at this time and my mom who also sent her husband to this deployment who is my dad so it is very hard for me. i am so glad i have family here to help me get through this hard time. I LOVE EVERYONE WHO HELPS THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Pregnancy with little man.

We found out we were pregnant on september 24,2007, that was one of the most exciting and nervous days of my life. I had so many questions so many fears, and still i was so happy. This is the day i had been waiting for my entire life, the day i would became a mother. A lot of people think you don't become a mom until you have the baby and then there are people like me who think you become a mom the day you find out you are expecting. I had fears of would i miscarry, would i carry full term, will he come out normal, would he have any special needs, will i do everything right so we dont have a special baby. Would my husband and i be brave enough to raise this baby would i make a good mom, will i mess up his life? there were just so many questions, i didnt know which one to answer first. well the first trimester flew by mainly cause all i did was sleep! I didn't get morning sickness, but my poor husband had all my sickness! we called it sympathy sickness. i was so lucky, I love my husband for putting up with my horrible mood swings, i was happy, sad, grouchy all with in 10 min. i was so bad! but it was amazing knowing i had a baby growing in me. i loved it! i slept almost all day everyday. when we went to my doctors appointment on october 13th, 2007. We heard the heartbeat! for the first time it was so amazing. it gave me over whelming joy to know that i had not miscarried yet. the doctor said if i was going to miscarry it would of happened already i was glad to here that! i was still nervous that i might miscarry anyway. but i wasn't going to let that stop me from having a good pregnancy! by the end if my third trimester i wasa barly showing at all, you couldn't really tell i was pregnant. My second trimester went a little slower we had moved into our own apartment had christmas and i was still hardly showing! i thought something was worng but the doctor said i was gaining weight like i should be. and come December 16th 2007, We found out we where having a baby boy. we where so excited we wanted a boy first that way he could take care of his little sister when we decide to have another baby. New year had come and gone it was crazy how fast time was going! In late january early feb. we moved to Farmington new mexico with a couple of friends, she was pregnant also. So can you imagine the tension of the house with 2 pregnant women and two men who have to put up with us. it was pretty crazy but we had fun. i had a fun time but come march i was ready to be home. grady hadn't gotten on to the job that we were hoping for. so we decided to move back to Round Valley. that was the excitment of that trimester! My third trimester was good and by this time i was showing! my belly was huge my back hurt, and time had drasticly slowed down. it was like life in slow motion. it was hard. but everything was going good. Then one day i hadn't felt little presley wayne move i was very scared. i was afraid something had happened, so we went to the emergency room and they hooked me up to the baby monitor things and at first it took a while to find his heart beat, then we finally heard it i was glad come to find out the doctor said he was just sleeping because he knows he will be entering the world soon. and he was tired of always moving and changing positions so he can be born, well may 6th rolled around and my due date was approaching, well i was having some contractions so we went to the hospital thinking its time! lets go!!! well we got to the hospital and they put me on the monitor again and well i stopped having contactions so they sent me home and just said it was braxton hicks contractions so they didnt't count. well the 7th was here and in the middle of the afternoon i was having contractions again and i swear my water broke so we rushed to the hospital and well nothing so they sent me home once again i was so aggrivated by this time i was so ready to have him out so he could come home with us. well the 8th rolled around and it was my due date and having contractions again so i called to see and he made me come in for an appointment and he did a procedure called scraping my membranes and thats supposed to help my water break, well we went and walked around wal mart trying to help my water break and still nothing, so we headed home and we got back into town at 430ish on the 8th and just as we were coming into town i gave grady a kiss and sent him off to work. well not ten min after i got home i was in such severe pain i was trying not to throw up. so i called the doctor and he said ok its time come back to the hospital so we left called grady as we were on our way back over the mountain to show low. he hadnt even gotten to work yet when we called so when he got to work they sent him back so he could make it to show low on time, and we had passed my dad who was just coming home from work so he came home changed and then came back to the hospiatal. so everyone was there, grandma and grandpa carrillo where there too i was so happy to kow they where all there for me, Gradys mom was there and so was his sister lacey. i was loving it. then the doctor came in and said your at 2 centimeters we will watch you for the next hour and if no improvments then we'll send you home. i was sad, so they let me up so i could walk around as i was walking around i was doing some squats it helped a lot by the time i got back in the room i was having contarctions every 5 min and they where severe so they gave me patosin and an epidural i couldn't stand the pain anymore. i hurt so bad, well it was time i was ten centimeters and was ready to push. i tried pushing but they gave me to much epidural. so i was having trouble pushing, they tried suction cuping him out and still nothing, then his heart rate started jumping and thats never good so i was scared, they decided i was going to need a c-section i didnt want one but i knew if i wanted presley to be okay i would have to do it, so they got the room ready to take me down. and the surgery room ready, before they rolled me down my dad and my grandpa gave me a blessing and at that time i knew everything would be okay so they rolled me down and i was ready i was glad grady got to be in the room with me, they cut me open and took out presley within 5 min. i heard him cry for the first time then they put me to sleep so they could stitch me up! i was in labor for 14 hours Presley was born at 0540 am and he weighted 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 21 and a half inches long with blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes i have seen. he was perfect! i loved him the minute i found out i was pregnant and the very first i saw him and got to hold him. he made us a family. He is now ten almost 11 months and the time has flown by he is walking and running, he says dada and mama and if we tell him no he will point his finger nd shake it and shake his head no. we love him and are so happy he is in our lives.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How it all Started

Well I got married on September 14,2007. I married my true love his name is Grady Miller. We met around november 2006 at the little diner i was working for called Buzz's. I was a senior in high school and I was a waitress and Grady came in to play a game of pool and get some dinner, my first thought was who is he and is he single, little did i know we would be together soon. well we started talking and we kind of just hit it off. Then come December break for christmas we started hanging out at buzz's a lot more often then usual and we would laugh and play pool all afternoon. there was just a couple of down falls though he was 19 almost 20 and well i was still just 17 and had 9 months before i turned 18, and the fact he drove a mini-van well we'll just leave it at that. Then come December 28, 2006 We officially started dating and not two days later he tells me he joined the Army National Guard. i was upset well because that same year my dad re-enlisted, so the two men in my life where now in the guard and with the war going on might have to be deployed. So it hurt yes and i kind of just dealt with it, so we dated for a few months before he left in February 2007 for BCT and AIT he would be gone for 17 weeks all together so we wrote each other and we talked when he got the chance to call it was nice, and before he left he gave me a promise ring and so i wore it everyday and never took it off i was so happy i just couldnt believe i was kind of engaged. well may 3rd rolled around and that was when he would be graduating from BCT and so me, his younger sister lacey and his mom all drove to gorgia to see him and to watch him graduate. it was so nice to see him it had been 10 weeks and a long 10 weeks we had both changed so much grady finally put on some weight and was looking good and for me i only had 20 more days until i graduated from Round Valley High School. so life just couldnt get any better. Then come time for me to graduate and say my good byes to my high school pals and take another road trip come june 22nd. Grady was graduting from AIT and so once agian me, lacey and there mother Judy all loaded up and where off on another adventure, This time would be diffrent though we would be in texas and Grady was able to come home with us, but first we had to make one stop to pick up Grady's Firebird, a nice car yes and i was able to meet his step mother Ruthie what a wonderful women and we just missed dad, then we were able to head home. then come august my 18th birthday thank goodness i was an adult.i could stay out late with grady and not have to worry about a curfew it was nice, I then was asked to move out of my mothers house so i did Grady and i moved to water canyon road it was still kind of warm so it was nice then things started getting cold come september, i then got my braces off which had been on for over 2 years and not a week later we were at the court house getting married. it was nice i had barrowed a dress from a good friend and it was my dream dress non the less so it just made things perfect. Grady was in his Class A's and at 541 we kissed and it was official we would be MR. AND MRS. MILLER from that day forward.